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Cari Blog Ini

Author Description

Garden Of Time The Theme Of The Year

The 2024 Met Gala: Everything You Need to Know

Garden of Time: The Theme of the Year

The Metropolitan Museum of Art will host the 2024 Met Gala on Monday, May 6, with a theme that explores the intersection of fashion and time.

A Play on Past and Present

The event will feature an exhibition titled "Garden of Time," which delves into the concept of time as a garden that grows and evolves. It will showcase historical garments and contemporary designs that reflect this theme.

Vogue's Anna Wintour and Jennifer Lopez

Anna Wintour, the editor-in-chief of Vogue, will once again serve as the co-chair of the Met Gala. She is known for her impeccable style and her ability to assemble an impressive guest list.

Jennifer Lopez, the renowned actress and singer, has been announced as one of the celebrity co-chairs. Her appearance is highly anticipated, and many speculate about the stunning outfit she will wear.

Celebrity Guests and Dress Code

The Met Gala is renowned for its star-studded guest list. Many celebrities, designers, and artists will attend the event.

The dress code for the evening is "Garden of Time." Guests are expected to wear attire that interprets the theme in creative and fashionable ways.

Sleeping Beauties: The Spring 2024 Exhibit

The Met Gala will also mark the opening of the spring 2024 exhibit, entitled "Sleeping Beauties." The exhibition will explore the history and cultural significance of sleeping beauty fairy tales.

The Met Gala promises to be a captivating event that celebrates fashion, art, and the human imagination. Stay tuned for more details as the date approaches.
