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Cari Blog Ini

Author Description

Michael Olise Interview French

Michael Olise's Move to Bayern Munich: A sigh of relief for Thierry Henry

Bayern Munich swoop in for Crystal Palace's French winger

Olise to leave London for Munich, but not for long

Michael Olise is set to join Bayern Munich this summer, in a move that will see the French winger leave Crystal Palace for the German giants. The 22-year-old has been linked with a move away from Selhurst Park for some time, and Bayern have now finally secured his signature.

Olise is a highly-rated young player who has impressed in the Premier League since joining Palace from Reading in 2019. He has scored 15 goals in 114 appearances for the Eagles, and has also represented France at youth level.

Bayern's move for Olise is a clear sign of intent from the German club, who are looking to strengthen their squad ahead of next season. The Bundesliga champions are keen to add more depth to their attacking options, and Olise is seen as the ideal player to do that.

Olise is expected to undergo a medical in Munich on Tuesday, and the deal is expected to be completed in the coming days. The fee is believed to be in the region of €25 million.
